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Re: gEDA-user: gschem BUS status


I have a version of gaf/geda that supports hierarchical busses.

If you are interested and capable of helping put together a patch to
gschem, libgeda, gnetlist to contribute a hierarcical bus implementation
let me know.

Steve Meier

david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>What is the status of busses in gschem?
>I looks to me like gschem lets you draw them
>but expects any processing to be done elsewhere.
>Has there been any discussion about aliasing net
>names to bus related names by rippers?
>I like the feel of gschem, At my paying job I
>am a Viewdraw user, I like the similarities
>although I have not crashed gschem yet, enough said!
>Good job guys with the gEDA project, I hope 
>to be able to contribute, I am experimenting with
>modifying the PADS backend to increase the 
>attributes passed to PADS.  PCB looks good too
>but just doesn't have quite the capabily, yet...