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Re: gEDA-user: pintype attritubute and gnetlist

El miÃ, 03-01-2007 a las 11:15 -0500, John Luciani escribiÃ:
> On 1/3/07, Carlos Nieves Ãnega <cnieves.mail@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > El mar, 02-01-2007 a las 18:26 -0500, John Luciani escribiÃ:
> > [snip]
> > > PCB doesn't need to know. The intent of the pintypes is to help prevent
> > > design errors such as connecting an output to an output, and output to gnd, etc.
> > >
> > > Unfortunately there are many applications where the design check fails.
> > > For example you could connect the output of a DC-DC to GND to generate
> > > a negative rail. This would generate an error since an output is connected
> > > to ground even though it is valid and common application.
> >
> > Sometimes the pintype can be different if you see it from different
> > points of view...
> > In the above example, I'd use a pwr pintype (power output).
> Would connecting a pwr pin to gnd or another pwr pin produce an error?

No, you can connect power pins with power pins. And the DRC2 backend
knows nothing about GND (it's just another netname).


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