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Re: gEDA-user: problems getting started

On Jan 21, 2008, at 9:33 AM, epswint wrote:

> ... a fork from DJ's "more insanity and documentation" thread.   
> I've made a custom symbol, but I can't figure out how to get at it  
> through gEDA.
> I've put a "gafrc" and "gschemrc" files in my ~/.gEDA directory,
> ---<directory contents>--- [Ethan@localhost .gEDA]$ ls gafrc gschem- 
> dialog-geometry  gschem-recent-files TMS280{8,9}.symdef gafrc~  
> gschemrc symbols ---</directory contents>--- both of which contain
> ---<file contents>---
> (component-library "./symbols")
> ---</file contents>---

"." refers to the "working directory", I.E. the directory you're in  
when you launch gschem. gEDA's rc mechanism can expand environment  
variables, so you could do:

(component-library "${HOME}/.gEDA/symbols")

I prefer to put a gafrc in each project and library directory. I can  
then put symbols in a subdirectory of the project directory and refer  
to it through ".", or I can refer to other project's libraries in the  
same hierarchy through "..". I've also been known to use symbolic  
links to libraries...

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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