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Re: gEDA-user: "Publication Quality" Schematic Symbols

On Jan 26, 2008 2:09 PM, Dave N6NZ <n6nz@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> John Luciani wrote:
> > The examples are at
> > http://www.luciani.org/not-quite-ready/not-quite-ready-index.html
> >
> They look very nice.  Before I went there, I was skeptical of the value
> of that sort of "apple polishing".  (I tend to stop at slightly ugly but
> functional.) But after seeing them I changed my mind.  It really is
> pleasing to see a schematic that looks like it came from a
> professionally published magazine or a manufacturer's data sheet.
> Symbols like that help gschem's perceived image.


> The ARRL's symbol set would probably be popular:
> http://www.arrl.org/qst/qs4hd.pdf
> It's used in all ARRL publications and familiar to a lot of people.  A
> few symbols on the example sheet above are a little old fashioned, but
> are pretty much deprecated in current ARRL pubs anyway.

Thanks for the link. That single page summarizes a great basic library.
That library combined with one of the *box symbol generators should
satisfy most users.

> For my part, I was pickled in ANSI symbols decades ago, so pretty much
> anything other than ANSI doesn't seem quite right to me :)  I keep
> doodling ideas for an ANSI symbol generator, but it never seems to be a
> higher priority than just getting on with building stuff.

Do you have any links to ANSI symbol specifications?

As for style I was going for more of a textbook look --- like the "Art
of Electronics".
The same script could easily generate both ARRL style and textbook
style symbols.

(* jcl *)


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