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Re: gEDA-user: gEDA/gaf stable version 1.4.0-20080127 released!
Peter Clifton schrieb:
> On Wed, 2008-01-30 at 08:49 +0100, Klaus Rudolph wrote:
>> Hi,
>> it would be nice if there will be an ISO-Image again for the actual
>> releases of all! the tools. This will be very convinient for me!/us? :-)
> I think that is going to be unlikely. The ISO-CD's successor is a binary
> installer which Ales is working on. This will have gEDA and some other
> related tools like PCB and gerbv.
That will maybe result in a lot of library problems on different
linux-os versions and distributions. I prefere compiling on my system :-)
> If you wanted to build from source, I actually find checkout out from
> git and using the top-level Makefile there easier than fetching all the
> dist tarballs and using the Makefile.
I got this answer weeks ago :-) Yes, I have no idea how git works, I
have no idea what files I have to "check out" from what and so on. Is it
possible to write a README/HOWTO where I can get a step by step
introduction what I have to do on my system to get the complete sources
to compile on my system? The result should be the same as on the old iso
cd. It was so easy to mount the image file and simply enter one command.
Now I have to start reading with git :-(, maybe downdload a complete
repository and what else... I only want the actual! versions... compile
them... have fun. Please help!
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