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Re: gEDA-user: Component sourcing script

I've attached my make-bom and update-digikey scripts for your
entertainment.  The output "board.digikey.bom" can be uploaded
directly to Digikey's master order module.

# -*- perl -*-

$boards = 1;
$output = 'board.bom';

while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
    $opt = shift;
    if ($opt eq "-q") {
	$boards = shift;
    } elsif ($opt eq "-o") {
	$output = shift;

$sch = join(' ', @ARGV);

$me = $0;
$me =~ s@[^/]+$@@;

open(A, ">attribs");
print A "value\n";
print A "manufacturer\n";
print A "manufacturer_part_number\n";
print A "vendor\n";
print A "vendor_part_number\n";
#print A "price\n";
close A;

system "gnetlist -g bom2 -o $output $sch";

sub load_vendors {
    for $vendorfile ("$me/digikey.csv", "$me/mouser.csv") {
	open(DK, $vendorfile);
	$cols = scalar <DK>;
	while (<DK>) {
	    ($mfg, $mfgpn, $value, $vend, $vendpn, $price, $minqty) = split(':');
	    $mfg{$mfgpn} = $mfg;
	    if ($price{$mfgpn} == 0
		|| $price{$mfgpn} > $price) {
		$vendor{$mfgpn} = $vend;
		$vendpn{$mfgpn} = $vendpn;
		$price{$mfgpn} = $price;
		$minqty{$mfgpn} = $minqty;
	close DK;

&load_vendors ();

open(B, $output);
$junk = <B>;
while (<B>) {
    ($refs, $value, $mfg, $partno, $vendor, $vpartno) = split(':');
    $vp = "$partno\0$value";
    if ($remvalue{$partno}
	&& $remvalue{$partno} ne $value
	&& $partno ne "unknown") {
	print STDERR "Warning: value for part $partno changed\n";
	print STDERR "  old: $remvalue{$partno}\n";
	print STDERR "  new: $value\n";
    $remvalue{$partno} = $value;
    $value{$vp} = $value;
    $mfg{$vp} = $mfg;
    @refs = split(',', $refs);
    $count{$vp} += scalar @refs;
    $vl = length($vendpn{$partno}) if $vl < length($vendpn{$partno});

    if (!$vendpn{$partno} && $vpartno ne "unknown") {
	print "Adding part $vpartno to vendor $vendor\n";
	$vendpn{$partno} = $vpartno;
	open(V, ">>$me/$vendor.csv");
	print V "${mfg}:${partno}:${value}:${vendor}:${vpartno}::\n";
	close V;
	$reload_vendors = 1;
close B;

if ($reload_vendors) {
    system "cd $me; ./update-digikey";
    &load_vendors ();

if (0) {
    open(I, "$me/inventory.csv");
    $junk = <I>;
    while (<I>) {
	($qty, $mfg, $part) = split(/\t+/);
	$inventory{"$mfg\0$part"} = $qty;
    close I;

print "\n";

open(DIGIKEY, ">board.digikey.bom");

$ci = 0;

for $vp (sort keys %count) {
    ($partno,$value) = split(/\0/, $vp);
    $count = $count{$vp} * $boards;
    $i = $inventory{$mfg{$vp} . "\0" . $partno};
    if ($i > $count) {
	$i = $count;
    if ($i > 0) {
	print STDERR " - using $i $mfg{$vp} $partno ($value) from inventory\n";
	$count -= $i;
    $m = $minqty{$partno};
    if ($m == 0) {
	#print "$partno: m is zero\n";
	$m = 1;
    $count = $m * int(($count + $m - 1) / $m);
    $cost = $count * $price{$partno};
    $total_cost += $cost;
    $scost = sprintf("%010d", $cost*100);
    if ($cost == 0) {
	$cost = "";
    } else {
	$cost = sprintf "\$%.2f", $cost + 0.0049;
    push(@lines, sprintf("%s\0%3d %3d  %6s  %-4.4s %-${vl}s %-10.10s %s (%s) \n",
			 "$scost $mfg{$vp} $partno",
			 $count{$vp} * $boards, $count, $cost,
			 $vendor{$partno}, $vendpn{$partno},
			 $mfg{$vp}, $partno, $value{$vp}));

    if ($vendor{$partno} =~ /digikey/i && $count > 0) {
	push(@digikey, sprintf ("%s\0%s\t%s\t%s\r\n",
				"$scost $mfg{$vp} $partno",
				"$mfg{$vp} $partno ($value{$vp})"));

for $l (sort @lines) {
    $l =~ s/.*\0//;
    &color(($ci++) % 8 < 4 ? 33 : 0);
    print $l;

for $l (sort @digikey) {
    $l =~ s/.*\0//;
    print DIGIKEY $l;


sub color {
    my($c) = @_;
    if ($c ne $old_c) {
	print "\033[${c}m";
	$old_c = $c;

$c = sprintf("\$%.2f", $total_cost + 0.0049);
printf "\n      %9s  Total Cost\n", $c;

# -*- perl -*-

open(DK, "digikey.csv");
open(NEW, ">digikey.csv.new");
open(QTY, ">digikey.qty");
print NEW scalar <DK>;
while (<DK>) {
    ($mfg, $mfgpn, $desc, $vend, $vendpn, $price, $minqty) = split(':');
    next unless $vendpn;
    next unless $vend =~ /digikey/i;
    print STDERR "\n\033[32mpart $vendpn\033[0m\n";

    $first = 1;

    @search = &search_digikey ($vendpn);
    $hc = 0;
    $in_table = 0;
    for $l (@search) {
	chomp $l;

	if (0) {
	    if ($l =~ /Price(&nbsp;| )Break/) {
		$l =~ s/.*Price(&nbsp;| )Break//;
		if (/Unit[^<]*Price/) {
		($qtytd, $pricetd) = split(/<TD[^>]*>/i, $l);
		$qtytd = &cleantab($qtytd);
		$pricetd =~ s/.*Price//;
		$pricetd = &cleantab($pricetd);
		print STDERR "qty [$qtytd] price [$pricetd]\n";
		($minqty) = split(' ', $qtytd);
		($price) = split(' ', $pricetd);

		if ($qtytd =~ /\d/) {
		    @qtys = split(' ', $qtytd);
		    @prices = split(' ', $pricetd);
		    $any = 0;
		    for ($i=0; $i<3; $i++) {
			$any = 1;
			$p = $qtys[$i] * $prices[$i];
			$p = sprintf("%.2f", $p);
			printf QTY "%4d: %s\t", $qtys[$i], $p;
		    $m = substr($mfg,0,7);
		    print QTY "$m\t$mfgpn\t$vendpn\t$desc\n" if $any;

	if (1) {		# "new" search
	    if ($l =~ /Price Break/) {
		$in_table = 1;
		$minqty = 0;
	    if ($l =~ m@</table>@) {
		$in_table = 0;

	    if ($in_table
		&& $l =~ m@<td align=center>@) {
		$l =~ s/<[^>]*>/ /g;
		print STDERR $l;
		($qty, $each) = split(' ', $l);
		$qty =~ s/,//g;
		$each =~ s/,//g;
		print STDERR "qty <$qty> each <$each>\n";
		if ($qty < $minqty || $minqty == 0) {
		    $minqty = $qty;
		    $price = $each;

    print NEW "$mfg:$mfgpn:$desc:$vend:$vendpn:$price:$minqty\n";


close NEW;

sub cleantab {
    my ($q) = @_;
    $q =~ s/<[^>]*>/ /g;
    $q =~ s/ +/ /g;
    $q =~ s/^ //;
    $q =~ s/ $//;
    return $q;

sub search_digikey {
    my ($str) = join('+', @_);
    my (@rv, $sn);
    $str =~ s@\#@\%23@g;
    $str =~ s@\+@\%2b@g;
    $sn = $str;
    $sn =~ s@/@_@;;
    $cache = "digikey/$sn.html";
    if ( -s $cache < 1500) {
	unlink $cache;
    printf("cache = <$cache>\n");
    if ( ! -f $cache ) {
	sleep 2;
	system "wget -q -O $cache 'http://www.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?Detail?name=$str'";
	#system "wget -q -O $cache 'http://www.digikey.com/scripts/dksearch/dksus.dll?KeywordSearch&Site=US&KeyWords=$str&MfcISAPICommand=KeywordSearch'";
    open(W, $cache);
    @rv = <W>;
    close W;
    return @rv;

system "mv digikey.csv digikey.csv.old";
system "mv digikey.csv.new digikey.csv";

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