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Re: gEDA-user: gschem font scaling

> Recompile, sorry. See libgeda/src/o_text_basic.c
> Search:
> #define GEDA_FONT_FACTOR 1.3
> You probably want it "1.0"

Thanks, I'll give it a try with minipack sometime soon. Is there (or
is there supposed to be) any correlation between the gschem text size
and the actual printed size? e.g. is text size = 10 supposed to render
10pt text when printed?

> One thing I'm absolutely against is introducing separate on-screen, and
> output scalings. gschem is WYSIWYG, and something I think we want to
> keep.

Definitely agree on that.

> I'm not violently opposed to adding a setting for the scaling factor -
> but I'd really prefer it wasn't necessary.

Building with minipack is fairly straightforward (once you've done it
once...). I'm quite happy to sort my particular problem out that way.

>> FYI I am working with the win32 builds.
> Ok, cool - glad to hear they are working for you.

They've been working well for me since you first released an
unofficial build. I use the mingw tools along with them (mainly make)
for automating some of the tasks. I think I raised the issues I had
way back when you first offered a build - since then, pretty smooth
sailing. I've grabbed your Cairo build and installed it earlier today
(schematic time again) so I'll let you know if I see anything
suspicious. I generally output directly to a pdf though, so printing
has never really been an issue to me.

Thanks for making the builds available. Could you please send me the
nsi installer script? I would like to figure out how that works so
that I can package an unofficial build.


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