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Re: gEDA-user: PCB bug: only names, draw a line, undo: segfault

On Sun, 2011-01-30 at 15:43 +0100, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> Stephan Boettcher wrote:
> > 
> > PCB version 20100929
> > Compiled on Nov  8 2010 at 05:46:11
> > Debian sid.
> > gtk.
> > 
> > - Settings->Only Names
> > - draw a line
> > - hit 'u' for undo.
> > 
> > -> segfault.
> > 
> I can confirm for pcb recently compiled from git.  
> This is the specific sequence I did to achieve segfault:
> 1) Settings -> Only_Names
> 2) choose the line tool
> 3) left mouse click on canvas
> 4) left mouse click on canvas
> 5) [u] to undo
> --> immediate segfault. No other errors reported
> If I ended the track with [esc] no segfault would occur.
> I noticed, that the same procedure with pcb from squeeze
> does not segfault. But it still behaves a bit strange on 
> undo: The next segment seems to start somewhere off canvas. 

It seems someone invoked irony using the following comment in the code:

	      /* this search is guaranteed to succeed */
	      SearchObjectByLocation (LINE_TYPE | RATLINE_TYPE, &ptr1,
				      &ptrtmp, &ptr3,
				      Crosshair.AttachedLine.Point1.Y, 0);

BANG. (Remember kids.. never be smug about what will / won't succeed!)

Actually, its not the search's fault.. the Crosshair.AttachedLine stuff
is probably not getting set properly.

SO - what is the "CORRECT" behaviour for "Only names" mode.. allow line
creation, or deny it completely? This will probably alter where / how we
fix this.

Peter Clifton

Electrical Engineering Division,
Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge,
9, JJ Thomson Avenue,

Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173 - (No signal in the lab!)
Tel: +44 (0)1223 748328 - (Shared lab phone, ask for me)

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