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Re: gEDA-user: PCB GTK version...
Em Ter 26 Jul 2005 16:02, Dave McGuire escreveu:
> On Jul 26, 2005, at 2:56 PM, Xtian Xultz wrote:
> > Sorry Dave, I forgot about that. PCs and Macs have 3d accelerated
> > graphics,
> > what kind of machine do you use?
> I use a Mac for "regular" tasks and a couple of Sun UltraSPARC
> systems for CAD work, including PCB. My graphics hardware was selected
> for high resolution and fast 2D operations, not 3D, because printed
> circuit board layout is a 2D task.
I disagree with you. PCB design is a mechanical task. Of course, a lot of
electronic, phisics, etc, skills are needed, but one important characteristic
is the mechanical part. For example, my most recent project is made by two
boards, like a sandwich (which remebers me that I am hungry, its time to
dinner :D ), and was difficult to draw because some big components (like a
Molex connector, electrolitic capacitor, etc) couldnt be below the second
board, so I had to choose where to put the components, how the upper board
should be, etc etc. And of course, I need to take care about ground loops,
EMC, etc. Of couser I did the work in gschem and pcb, but if I could render
the board in a 3D view, placing both boards togheter, that would make my job
much more easy (and probably I would not did an error where two mounting
holes didnt fit). So, I disagree that pcb design is a 2D task, I allways must
take care about the third dimension... and 3D visualization, in my opinion,
is a needed feature.
The 3D vizualization that Kicad gives (I need to study a little more about
that amazing open source tool, maybe do one or two works with him) is far
from perfect or completely usefull, but is a good start.
> GTK itself puts more graphics processing load on the system than does
> the core functionality of PCB. That strikes me as quite odd. Nothing
> about PCB is 3D.
Yeah, I agree. But GTK is so... beatifull :D
> > But what doesnt get out of my mind, is thinking that if you want to
> > use a
> > software that is graphically intensive, is not a good idea to use a
> > machine
> > that isnt.
> Of course you're correct...but there's a big difference between 2D
> operations and 3D operations, and good 2D performance and good 3D
> performance seem (inexplicably) to be mutually exclusive.
> -Dave
> --
> Dave McGuire "I wonder what 'Error Code 1' means. That's
> Cape Coral, FL what it said when it started smoking."
> -Jonathan Patschke