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gEDA-user: Noob question on footprints

I'm having trouble getting a schematic exported appropriately for pcb.
I'm trying to use gsch2pcb and having trouble with footprint
specifications.  What I can't find in the tutorial is the footprint
specification to use fo a number of parts---basic stuff like caps and

From the geda docs, I found footprint naming conventions, but I seem to
have taken that out of context, because gsch2pcb sure doesn't do
anything with it.

As an example, I have a cap where I set footprint=BRE200, but the cap is
dropped by gsch2pcb.

Can someone give me some clues, cause I haven't got any :-/


                       PGP Key ID: 66 BC 3B CD
Roland B. Roberts, PhD                             RL Enterprises
roland@xxxxxxxxxxx                            6818 Madeline Court
roland@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                           Brooklyn, NY 11220