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Re: gEDA-user: wishful thinking from a user point of view (5)

El mié, 04-07-2007 a las 10:09 +0000, Kai-Martin Knaak escribió:
> My list of wishes and complaints still contains a load of items. If you 
> don't mind, I'll go on posting them in this thread. Next one is:
> --------------------
> Currently, the letters of a new netname attribute touch the corresponding 
> net. Please place the attribute at a decent distance (e.g. 50 units 
> offset). 
> --------------------

This can currently be automated. Text autoplacing is still disabled by
default, despite it can be used. Look for autoplace in system-gschemrc.
There are some rules there "teaching" gschem where the attribs should be
Basically all new added attributes can be automatically placed if you
add the following lines to your gschemrc:
(add-hook! add-attribute-hook (lambda (object)
	(autoplace-object-attributes object)) #t)

However, I tested it before posting, and it is not currently working.
The reason is that world_get_single_object_bounds is returning something
like left=100 right=120 bottom=395 top=405 for an horizontal net, when
some time ago it returned left=100 right=120 bottom=400 top=400.
Autoplacing relies on this (bottom==top) in order to guess if the net is
horizontal or vertical... so actually it currently doesn't know how to
distinguish them. Anyone knows the reason of this change?



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