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Re: gEDA-user: Can't route
How about a picture from the past?
This was a 900 pin fpga where I used via in pad.
Steve Meier
On Sat, 2007-07-14 at 10:41 -0700, Ben Jackson wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 14, 2007 at 08:19:34AM -0700, Steve Meier wrote:
> >
> > p.s. my current project uses 1020 pin fpgas and was layed out on 12
> > layers. One key is to be willing to swap io pins at layout time to
> > minimize the need for traces to cross each other.
> It would be great if someone doing advanced work could post some examples
> somewhere. It would give new users confidence that PCB can handle these
> things. Darrell Harmon's SBC (4 layer CPU board) was one of the things
> that got me to try geda/pcb.
> As for FPGA routing, I also just did an FPGA board, only QFP208 (don't
> laugh ;-) and what I did was leave all the FPGA IO pins unassigned, but
> named all the nets coming out of the peripherals. Then after I did the
> physical layout, I routed the pins as needed, using 'n' to pop up the
> rename dialog and see what kind of pins were in the target area (I'm
> seriously considering adding the pin name/number under the crosshair to
> the status bar!). After routing, optimizing the ratsnest complains that
> 'Warning! Net "A13" is shorted to U1 pin 123'. That list guided me in
> naming nets connected to the FPGA symbol. Once I was done I just made
> a new netlist and verified that the routing was complete.
> I'm considering how to automate the second part. If I pre-drew unnamed
> nets hanging off the fpga pins, I could automatically add the netname
> attributes based on a PCB-generated report.
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