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Re: gEDA-user: Mystery unrouteable rat in pcb ?

On Fri, 2007-07-27 at 13:35 -0400, John Luciani wrote:
> On 7/27/07, armdeveloper <armdeveloper@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I had to hand route that because the footprint pin
> > identifiers didn't match the symbol.
> Hand routing is a very bad idea. You should create a set of symbols and
> footprints that match so that your schematic and PCB are always in sync.
> You could post a *simple* schematic and PCB that demostrate the
> problem.

I agree that hand routing is bad.  Go back and look at the suggested
solutions to some of my header questions and manual layout/ hand routing
was suggested, as far as I can tell.

I'm finding footprints in pcb to be a large headache.   As a matter of
fact, the majority of my time has been spent messing around with
footprints.  Is anyone working on a footprint viewer/editor ?  Kind of
like gschem has a symbol editor ?  Excuse my ignorance...


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