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Re: gEDA-user: How to save results in txt file?

On Friday 17 July 2009, Piter_ wrote:
> I have results of DC sweep. Can plot it, but cant figure out
> how to save it in txt file (tab delimited for example, or
> other), for plotting in something other than ngspice.

In Gnucap, you direct the the command like a unix command ..

dc R12 10 100k decade 3 >the-data-file

The file is whitespace delimited, and can be read by most 
spreadsheets and plot programs.

Spice uses something called a "rawfile", which has in its own 
format.  You put "-r rawfilename" on the command line.  I don't 
know how to directly get a file that works with programs that 
are not specifically written for spice.

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