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Re: gEDA-user: possible collaborators on PCB, gschem [Kicad (or another FOSS tool)]

Larry Doolittle <ldoolitt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> John -
> On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 01:07:51PM -0500, John Griessen wrote:
>> Larry Doolittle is going to be there in person.  What can we tell them
>> to get them interested in gEDA more than KiCAD?
> Not push and shove, unless someone (not me) goes wild
> programming between now and October.
> I have an outline of some ideas I'd like to get across
> in the talk, and I know I need to review other people's
> talks on the subject first.  Maybe someone (John?) would
> like to go over my material ahead of time?  Not that I
> need to "toe the party line" or anything, but it would
> be nice to give a clear message, consistent with the
> larger community.  There's lots of time.  I haven't even
> boarded the plane yet!

I can probably go in person, if that would help.  It's a short hop for


Peter Brett <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Remote Sensing Research Group
Surrey Space Centre

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