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Re: gEDA-user: Problem With SOT23-5? Invisible "Guardband" Around Landpattern; Arcs in Silkscreen

On 07/31/2011 03:40 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:
came when I read on John Delorie's site
My name is not John.
--My apologies. However, my claim that your web site about pcb is very helpful and resulted in a breakthrough in the usability of gEDA for me still stands. I already submitted the package to Sunstone circuits (www.sunstone.com) and was told I had very few things to change to make it compatible with their fast turnaround processes! That was HUGE progress for me in less than a week!
1.  The SOT23-5 footprint (Linear Tech package footprint) from John
Luciani's site
John's library is designed to be used *without* the M4 library
enabled.  The M4 preprocessor doesn't like symbol names with math in
them, like "SOT5-3" (it tries to subtract 3 from 5).
--I created my own package, named it 'SOT23-5' (with a dash), and it works fine. So, the problem must be elsewhere.
2.  The standard footprints for 0201..1210 (and probably others, too) in
the pcb library do not show up with a "guardband" around them when
placed.  However, while moving such a part, a guardband does show up
If there's no silkscreen in the part, my guess is it draws the
bounding box instead.

around it on the rough sketch (shown during the movement) and disappears
once the part is placed. So, pcb seems to be aware of a guardband around
the landpattern.   How can I make pcb display it permanently?
Edit the footprint to include actual silk.
--I think that if I edit the silkscreen of the footprint, gsch2pcb will say something like, "Warning: ./packages/TDSON8.fp appears to be a PCB layout file. Skipping." So, I guess I need to convert the footprint "backwards" (which I am not sure how to do), add the guardband on the silkscreen, and then reconvert it to footprint via the established procedure. I suspect that 'Select All Visible Objects' --> <CTRL>C --> 'Break buffer elements to pieces' will do the "backwards" conversion, but I have not tried it yet.
3.  I tried to draw a semicircular arc on the silkscreen perimeter
This should work just fine, we do it all the time.

--Yes, it did work this time. I don't know why it did not work before. Thank you.

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