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Re: gEDA-user: PCB vs. dead polygon

On Wed, 9 Jun 2004 10:41:02 +0000
Xtian Xultz <xultz@ig.com.br> wrote:

> I allways need to retouch my pcb outputs.
> I retouch them with sketch. I use a program called pstoedit, to
> convert from.ps (postscript files) to .sk (sketch files). I open the
> .sk files in sketch, wixh is a CorelDraw-like program, and I do some
> modifications, like close all the holes (wich is a boring work), draw
> my logo in the board, and remove dead polygons. Then, I save the file
> as a .ps . Note that my fab accept only .ps files, so to me its ok. In
> a gerber file, I really have no idea how to do it...

But I think this is not the way. PCB is a CAD software. That means, PCB
should do this. Not you.

Anyway... I hope, that it'll be fixed...




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