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Re: gEDA-user: Help request

On Friday 16 June 2006 02:07, Adrian Nania wrote:
> I do realize the smart PATH work around from /root/.bashrc is
> just useless. I have seven new lines at the end of .bashrc:
> #aditional required variables
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/work/programs/gEDA/lib
> PATH=$PATH:/home/work/programs/gEDA/bin
> PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/home/work/programs/gEDA/lib
>/pkgconfig export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> export PATH
> When I am opening a shell and I am running:
> $source /root/.bashrc
> $echo $PATH, and

Is this after you set the path?

> I am able to see the variables. If I am closing this shell
> and verify again with $echo ..., the variables are not any
> more there. Only after I am running $source /root/.bashrc
> again for any new shell I can see them. I suspect this is
> bad. I have no idea how to set PATH variables in Ubuntu.

There is also ".bash_profile".  There might also be ".profile".  
The order in which these files are read, and which ones are not 
read at certain times, is a bit bizarre.  I think this is your 
problem.  You set it, then read one of those files which 
clobbers it.  Or, maybe you don't really read it.

I forget what the real rules are.  Whenever I need to edit one 
of those, I need to look it up again.  That's why I am not 
giving you a real answer.  

The full documentation of bash may not be installed.  If it 
isn't, you can install it: "sudo apt-get install bash-doc".  
Then, "info bash" ...     Or, I like to use konqueror for a 
mouse driven info browser.  Start it up, then as the URL, 
enter "info:bash".

It doesn't matter what distribution you are using.  They are all 
the same in this regard.  Where they differ is that they all 
provide some files by default, usually to source some global 
file.  Each has its own issues.  Read them, then write your 
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