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Re: gEDA-user: SPICE problems


Looks like I wasn't paying enough attention.  Not knowing that tclspice
had been discontinued (just as well, I never could get to work for me),
I had downloaded tclspice from sourceforge rather than ngspice.  I now
have ngspice-rework-15 up and running and the spinit IS working.

Thanks for your assistance.

	Harold Skank

On Sat, 2006-06-24 at 22:23 -0400, Stuart Brorson wrote:
> Harold,
> Hmmm, can you post the spew generated by ngspice when you first run
> it?  When you first run it, it should identify the codemodels it reads
> in.  If it doesn't say something like "reading spice2poly ...", then
> it's not reading your spinit, or you don't have the xspice stuff
> enabled.  
> It's possible that you have a couple of different copies of ngspice
> installed, since you've been using nspice in the past.  Please make
> sure that all possible spinit files have been properly edited.  That
> is, if you installed ngspice into /usr/local/ last time, and into /usr
> this time, then ngspice is looking in the wrong place for spinit.
> Stuart
> > 
> > Stuart,
> > 
> > I found the spinit file and made the "un-comments."  That didn't seem to
> > make any difference.  Then I added the location of the spinit file to my
> > PATH; again no difference.  As a last resort, I placed spinit in my home
> > directory.  Still no difference!
> > 
> > One thing I'm confused about (among others apparently) is that the
> > ngspice start-up is saying "can't find init file" - is that the spinit
> > file?  If so, how do I tell the system where that file is?  If not, then
> > what init file is it searching for.
> > 
> > Need more help, please/thank you.
> > 
> > 	Harold Skank
> > 

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