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Re: gEDA-user: git HEAD PCB now supports user-defined holes in polygons

Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
The use of the right mouse button to get back one level in handler
hierarchy is very convenient for me. It's a feature I learned to
love with QCad

The concept of a hierarchy of tools is one of the aspects I explicitly dislike with qcad. It is a pain to constantly move up and down this hierarchy and keep the current position in the hierarchy in mind. The most important tools should be readily available, no matter what.
I see your point about e.g. creating lines and trimming are very common operations
(in mechanical CAD) that are very likely to appear in rapid succession.
Despite the fact I like the hierarchical tool model, I earlier considered a dynamic toolbox (e.g. popping up centered under your cursor on right click ;-) that gets filled by the user via dragging certain operations into it in a special mode.

(the dynamic toolbox holds just links, so the original menu/static toolboxes are unmodified) One such toolbox to my taste can contain 9 tools (quadratic icons), but there would be no problem to provide a "shelf" of such toolboxes, so a user can assemble them for different phases.

Would this appeal to you in future versions of Varkon (and gEDA)?

Btw, I see no reason, why the cursor is positioned on top of the list on right-click menues. Centering reduces the require average mouse motion by 1/2 and makes it less likely,
that the menu has to be displayed atop the cursor.

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