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Re: gEDA-user: moving slotting to pcb?
John Griessen wrote:
No reason to change pcb. What we need is a schematic processor to sit
between gschem and gnetlist. Expand hierarchy, assign slots and
values, turn the source schematics into project schematics for both
netlisting and documentation.
What are good names for symbolic only source schematics and those with
as built values? We have a traditional naming where even the suffix
suggests only one meaning -- schematic for .sch.
I use revisions for this: 1st run of revisions is connectivity only,
2nd run is with values. I see no urgent need to make it more complicated
and force a split, that probably no noob will understand without reading
or asking a lot.
The drawing suffixes could be .sch and .ckt. If schematic is what
enters, the .ckt file is just that same drawing with the extra details
stripped out.
If you want your circuit file as sort of "header" (in C-speak), and one
can start with a schematic (C-file) and is not forced to use a circuit,
maybe you have my sympathie.
If you stretch a wire in one, it stretches in the other,
but values, packages, and pin numbers don't "stick" in the circuit view,
only in schematic view?
Reads like the attributes are left in place when you move a symbol.
And sounds like a recipe for total chaos. Otoh, if you mean, that one
might move pins around on a symbol in the schematic, to avoid crossing
nets, that would be really cool.
phil wrote:
> DJ, this reminds me of a set of improvements I'd throw into the ring
> because if PCB knew which nets were power nets, and so forth as
> by gschem it'd be the beginning of categorization or even
> hierarchicalization of the nets.
I'd like to see these concepts handled by attributes attached to nets in
the schematic or reusable circuit view, and then passed to other tools
to use or not use.
PCB will be able to preserve attributes like those soon, I bet.
And then once you can select by attribute match anded with other matches,
you've got lots of visible look changes you can do with action commands
acting on the selected set.
makes sense to me
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