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Re: gEDA-user: moving slotting to pcb?

Armin Faltl wrote:
John Griessen wrote:
The drawing suffixes could be .sch and .ckt. If schematic is what someone
enters, the .ckt file is just that same drawing with the extra details
stripped out.
If you want your circuit file as sort of "header" (in C-speak), and one
can start with a schematic (C-file) and is not forced to use a circuit,
maybe you have my sympathie.
If you stretch a wire in one, it stretches in the other,
but values, packages, and pin numbers don't "stick" in the circuit view,
only in schematic view?
Reads like the  attributes are left in place when you move a symbol.
And sounds like a recipe for total chaos.

Yes, as it is now, attributes don't stay with a wire when you stretch it.
These ideas would require lots of new functionality to work.  Symbol
editing in place is conceivable, but beyond what I was thinking.

Otoh, if you mean, that one
might move pins around on a symbol in the schematic, to avoid crossing
nets, that would be really cool.

Moving pins around to make layout easier is one of the motivations
for pin mapping.

Ecosensory   Austin TX

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