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Re: gEDA-user: gnetlist backend

On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 10:50 PM, Frank Thomson <frank@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I'm not quite sure what you're asking, but perhaps
>> (gnetlist:graphical-objs-in-net-with-attrib-get-attrib) is the function you
>> seek.
> hierarchical) we have a top level schematic with instances (gates and
> modules we've designed ) with IPADS/OPADS/IOPADS to basically act as package
> pins. The netlist requires these PADS in the top level schematic be listed
> at the top of the netlist file, normally I can access pins of an instance by
> passing a uref to one of the gnetlist primitives (forget which one) and
> getting back a list of pins but I cannot do that for the very top level
> schematic, it seems to not have a uref or any way to say "give me a list of
> pins that are in the top level". Or if it could do "give me a list of
> objects that are in the top level", I could find the iopads but again I
> can't find a way to do that either. So I am asking if it is possible to tell
> gnetlist to go to the top level schematic in the hierarchy and return to me
> the IPADS/OPADS/IOPADS or something similar.

Since pins are only valid in symbols, give the xPADS component
instances an attribute to key on.  Check out the spice-sdb backend's
`spice-sdb:get-spice-IO-pins'.  The convention in that case is to only
collect "i/o pins" if there is a component with a
`device=spice-subcircuit-LL' present in the schematic.  Components
with a `device=spice-IO' attribute are collected for pin names.

On my schematics for IC work (lots of hierarchy), the pin component
attribute convention is:


A patch to spice-sdb sorts these by the `value=' attribute instead of
the refdes.

That and other mostly gnetlist-related patches are in my local fork at:
http://repo.or.cz/w/geda-gaf/whiteaudio.git  (whiteaudio branch)



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