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gEDA-user: Hierarchical netlisting

I was wondering if there is any documentation anywhere on making
hierarchical netlists in gschem and then netlisting them to pcb.  I
have got something working by matching the symbols and schematics as

global - source to name of the schematic
pins - pinlabel=name of pin, pinnumber=unique arbitrary id

using in and out objects from the io library, set refdes=name of pin

and it seems to work.  it was key to set pinnumber to something or it
seemed to get confused.  however, I am having a problem with the
netlister failing when I make a certain set of connections:

Increase number of rename_pairs (MAX_RENAME) in s_rename.c
gsch2pcb: gnetlist command failed.
    At least gnetlist 20030901 is required for m4-xxx options.

And I recompiled gnetlist with MAX_RENAME set from 64 to 256, but the
problem persisted.  The block that was giving the most trouble was a
power supply block with none of the nodes having net labes inside the
lower schematic, but then being connected to net names outside the
block.  I have now changed to labeling the net names inside the lower
schematic and not connecting the pins in the upper level and it seems
to netlist.

The weird thing was the problem didn't seem to depend on what was
connected so I don't think it could be crossed nets or anything. 
Simply attaching a net line to the pin without any label or connection
would cause the error.

Any ideas?
