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Re: gEDA-user: ground planes and thermals

9000 VAX wrote:

On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 18:09:17 -0600, handsome greg <xdissent@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

uh oh.  is there a way to make it clear traces that are already laid?
i see the "clear polygons with new lines" option or whatever, but can
i cut out the path that are already on the ground plane layer?

My understanding is yes, you can. I heard that If you draw your traces with the "clear polygon" option, new polygons will clear those traces. So there must be a flag associated with your traces in your .pcb file. Change the flag of your existing traces to reflect the "clear polygon" option.

I haven't tried by myself, though.

vax, 9000

Place the cursor over the track and press "j" or "J" (cant remember) to toggle track clearance

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