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Re: gEDA-user: PCB footprints quick reference added to wiki.

Phil Taylor wrote:

I added notes on the PCB footprint file format to the PCB Quick Reference on
the wiki at:


The goal is to help users write their own footprints and have quick access to
the easy-to-forget parts of the file-format.  Like what flags and
'clearance/2' means.

Please post or make additions and edits!

One thing I'd change is the part which says:

"The master document for PCB footprints is “Footprint Creation for the Open-Source Layout Program ‘PCB’” written by Stuart Brorson."

Instead I'd recommend pointing to the pcb manual which is really the master document. Thanks to a bunch of work by DJ lately the manual is more up to date and is also more complete in terms of the file syntax section.
