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Re: gEDA-user: [pcb] overlapping pin/pad -- won't form thermal

On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 08:39:31AM -0800, Dave N6NZ wrote:
> Steve Meier wrote:
> > I am also interested in why you would want a thermal for connecting a
> > via onto a pad in which the via is sitting.
> ?? OK, I'm still under-caffeinated, but I don't parse your question. 
> I'm guessing you missed my initial rant?  What I was trying to do is 
> create an oblong pin to ease hand soldering.  So I created a pad 
> overlapping a pin to create the desired shape.  The whole effort 
> foundered because pcb won't create thermals on the resulting oblong pins 
> -- pcb give the pin a thermal flag, but the thermal doesn't render 
> because of the overlapping pad.

You can't thermal it to a surface layer, but you can thermal it to an
inner layer.  You've always had to draw lines to pads to connect to any
surface polygons.

Ben Jackson AD7GD

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