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Re: gEDA-user: Thanks a million, and few small questions for a new user

Jesse Gordon wrote:

> I can't figure out how to make a second silkscreen layer (for the other 
> side) (The layer I created seems to route like copper.)

Try using the s or <Shift>s key to change sizes.

Use <Shift>s on a via to make smaller then you'll see the min annular ring

Use s on a trace until it gets near another and you'll see the space criterion.

Perhaps your default rules were set to draw with DRCs on all the time.
That way you would not have any, but would be limited in some choices.

> After routing up my layout, I typed :DRC() and the log window just said 
> "Rules are minspace 8.01, minoverlap 8.0 minwidth 8.00, minsilk 6.00
> min drill 15.00, min annular ring 10.00
> No DRC problems found."
> but it always says this even when I have a trace cutting across other 
> traces and parts, 
That may not be a bug.   pcb doesn't have much inference reasoning going on.
No AI.

> Where would I look to learn how to use it or how to fix it?

Try the above tests, and I will send you an exaple layout with errors to try also.

John Griessen
Ecosensory   Austin TX

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