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gEDA-user: Thanks a million, and few small questions for a new user

Dear gEDA developers,

I just downloaded the ISO and compiled/installed pcb version 20070208 
today and let me say that I am very impressed!
Thanks very much for the automated installer process. You don't know how 
nice that was. I use slackware, and, well,
you know slackware needed all of those graphics support (like cairo, 
etc.) packages to be installed, and it was great!
Having gerbv is super handy too!

Thanks very much!

Anyway, after going through the fine tutorial and making the circuit 
board and all that, and trying
out lots of different things I found myself unable to do a few things 
and I suspect it's just user error.

(And I did skim through the manual and worked on it for several hours 
today, just so you know I didn't
write without really trying.)

I can't figure out how to make it automatically place thermals when a 
pin goes through a floodfill(polygon) of the same net.
(So if I had 10 ICs each with 4 grounded pins, I'd have to go place 40 
thermals, maybe this is not yet a feature.)

I can't figure out how to make a second silkscreen layer (for the other 
side) (The layer I created seems to route like copper.)

After routing up my layout, I typed :DRC() and the log window just said 
"Rules are minspace 8.01, minoverlap 8.0 minwidth 8.00, minsilk 6.00
min drill 15.00, min annular ring 10.00
No DRC problems found."
but it always says this even when I have a trace cutting across other 
traces and parts, and when I have installed thermals where they
should not be. I'm assuming that the DRC() function works for others, 
since the manual seems to indicate how it works.
I've not so far been able to find any error I can introduce to cause the 
:DRC() command to say anything other then "No DRC problems found."
Where would I look to learn how to use it or how to fix it?

I've been using linux at the command-line level for years so I'm not 
afraid to go type commands and look through files or logs and stuff.

Anyway, I'm very happy! You guys are doing a wonderful work on this.

Thanks very much,


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