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Re: gEDA-user: Meaning of --with-x and --without-gui for pcb

On Sunday 01 March 2009, Stuart Brorson wrote:
> If anything, I'd suggest that the presence of this flag
> represents a minor, cosmetic bug which one could file against
> the GNU autotools.

That may not be minor ..  Autoconf is loaded with irrelevant 
checks.  If one of them fails, and prevents it from building, 
when nothing is really wrong, that is a major bug.

That reminds me .. many years ago, before gEDA existed, when 
free software was usually distributed as "shar" files, Linux 
had not hit version 1.0 yet  ..  someone sent me autoconf stuff 
for ACS (predecessor to gnucap).  It didn't work on my system 
(a BSD variant).  He did the work on Linux.  I couldn't figure 
out how to fix it, and neither could he.

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