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Re: gEDA-user: debugging segfault

           I would suggest using valgrind( [1]http://valgrind.org ) to
   debug this issue. It's very simple and direct to use, just read the
   quick intro( [2]http://valgrind.org/docs/manual/quick-start.html ) of
   its documentation and you're ready to go. You must compile with -g O0
   in order to avoid invalid reports from valgrind.
       something like
   $valgrind pcb --blablabla
       should just work, but there are other useful options I just don't
   remember well right now. It's an excellent tool for debugging memory
   leaks very quickly.
   Best Regards, Felipe.

   Felipe De la Puente Christen
   Mobile Phone    : +56 9 93199807
   MSN/GTalk       : [3]fdelapuente@xxxxxxxxx

   On Sat, 2010-03-13 at 05:05 +0000, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

On Fri, 12 Mar 2010 22:45:28 -0500, DJ Delorie wrote:

>> But what I really want, is a print of the components on the bottom side
>> of the board.

> Add the solderside layer to your layer stack string (see attached code
> snippet)

This finally worked :-)
I added this tip to the wiki.

For the archive:
        pcb -x eps --layer-stack "outline,silk,solderside" \
          --as-shown \
          --action-string 'Display(Value)' \
          --eps-file "/tmp/out.eps" phasen.pcb

>> Any idea where to look for a reason for the segfault?
> gdb?

I feared so ;-)

>> Looks like the manual is derived from pcb/doc/pcb.texi . So I'll edit
>> this file and and post a diff to this mailing list, right?
> Yup.  Git patch format, please.

That is, use the command "git format-patch" ?
Any options to add?



   1. http://valgrind.org/
   2. http://valgrind.org/docs/manual/quick-start.html
   3. mailto:fdelapuente@xxxxxxxxx

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