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Re: gEDA-user: gafrc nonsense
On Thu, 2010-03-25 at 14:37 -0600, Cullen Newsom wrote:
> Here's the problem:
> 1. I'd like a custom title block to be used at startup.
> 2. I'd like to make and use some custom components
I too. But I think you subject line is not very smart -- its not a good
description of your problem and sounds not friendly.
This works for me, for gEDA 1.6.1 and 1.4.3:
stefan@AMD64X2 /mnt/data/stefan/gEDA/DAD $ cat gafrc
(debug-options (list 'stack 200000))
(component-library "../imported-symbols/")
(component-library "../gedasymbols.org_salewski_symbols/")
(component-library "../custom-symbols/")
;(component-library "local-symbols/")
stefan@AMD64X2 /mnt/data/stefan/gEDA/DAD $ cat gschemrc
(define default-titleblock "Titleblock_A4-1.sym")
(paper-size 11.69 8.27) ; A4
(window-size 1400 990) ; Good size for 1600x1200
(print-command "lp -d pdf-printer")
;(postscript-font-scale 1.2)
stefan@AMD64X2 /mnt/data/stefan/gEDA/DAD $
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