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Re: gEDA-user: Free GNU/Linux hardware design tools
Stephen Williams wrote:
> You will need some implementation tools from Altera. I believe
> the quartus package is free (as in "free beer") and I'm pretty
> sure that does *not* include a simulator. It should include Verilog
> synthesis.
> For Verilog simulation, there is, of course, Icarus Verilog.
> Free speech, free beer, Wintel free if you choose:-)
> Altera FPGA synthesis via Icarus Verilog lacks only some code
> generator bits. One may be able to write an EDIF/LPM family for
> the -tfpga target, and hand that off to the Altera implementation
> tools.
Simulation? Synthesis? Implementation tools? Can you put these in terms
that even a software developer who doesn't know his latches from his
flip-flops can understand? :-)