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gEDA-user: Stupid newbie question

OK, I feel like an idiot, but gschem definitely doesn't have the "feel" of the tools I'm used to. I'm having problems connecting nets to pins. No matter what I do I always seem to get the red "unconnected" box. If I zoom WAY in (so even a simple capacitor fills almost the entire screen) and drag the connection handle of a net into the VERY middle of another net, I do get a net-to-net connection (red circle). But I can't get it at all with component pins.

I tried playing with net rubberbands, various snap options, etc. I've tried starting nets with the keyboard, mouse positioned on a pin, and with the add-net tool and left-clicking where to start. On the off chance the symbol had a problem I tried a variety of symbols. Nothing is getting me where I need to be.

What am I doing wrong? And is there a snap-to-pin option? This would be a real help.

Thanks in advance,