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Re: gEDA-user: fritzing

David C. Kerber wrote:
> One possibility would be to do something similar to what Cisco does
> with the GUI they have for their security appliances: 

If ever there was a poster child for the most obnoxiously brain-dead 
approach to putting a gui on a product, Cisco's tools would be it.  That 
crap nearly makes me homicidal.

> a gui that
> handles basic setup, 
when it works...

> and issues commands in their standard cli format
> to the appliance.  
when it works...

> But the gui is optional, and if you want to use
> just the cli because that's what you're familiar with, or to do high
> level stuff that can't be done with the gui, that works fine as well.
And what is the point of writing a gui then?  The Cisco approach creates 
a usability chasm between basic, primitive functionality and expert use. 
  The newbie->expert transition needs to be a smooth curve, with no 
cognitive discontinuities.

Slapping a gui on top of a command line, in 100% of the cases I have 
personally experienced, has been a disaster.


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