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Re: gEDA-user: fritzing-like gEDA? gEDA-like Fritzing? Fritzing-interface-to-gEDA?

On May 9, 2009, at 3:00 PM, Chris Smith wrote:
>> There are lots of GUI languages. But the critical thing is defining
>> the project. For that, there's only one candidate: "make". There's
>> nothing else that can deal with the declarations, rules, and
>> procedures needed to put together a project using heterogeneous  
>> tools.
> Make was an excellent system in its day, but is now quite old and  
> clunky
> in comparison to some of its more contemporary competitors.  Scons,  
> for
> example, is a much better 'make' tool.

   Yah...make "replacements" have been popping up regularly for about  
twenty years that I know of...this says something about make.

   None have caught on to any real extent.  This also says something  
about make.


Dave McGuire
Port Charlotte, FL

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