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Re: gEDA-user: gsch2pcb to pcb error
On May 31, 2010, at 11:30 AM, Mike Bushroe wrote:
> 2) I found that several IC have no power. I know that John Doty does
> not like to have his schematics cluttered up with surperfluous Vcc and
> Gnd connections.
No, I (and others) tend to use separate power symbols, like:
Thank you Kai-Martin!
> But at the other extreme, I just discovered that
> 7404-1.fp has implicit connections to Vcc and Gnd nets in non-printing
> attributes, but the identical looking 7404-4.fp does not.
I believe you are confusing pcb footprints with gschem symbols. They are very different things.
> Is there some
> way to indicate which symbols are powerless and which have non-printing
> power connections built in?
From command line:
grep net= `locate name-of-symbol.sym`
From gschem:
1. Select the symbol.
2. Hierarchy>Down Symbol
3. Edit>Show/Hide Inv Text
4. Look for net= attributes.
> This is especially important in quads and
> hex parts that have many slots. And is there a way to change the symbol
> used without deleting the instance and re-entering all the data by
> hand?
The .sch file is text, so a global change of of the symbol name does the trick.
> I don't gattrib allows changing the actuacl symbol file used,
> just a few of the attributes.
These problems are why I recommend making project-specific copies of symbols rather than using the library symbols as-is.
John Doty Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.
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