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Re: gEDA-user: Where is pcb-20100929 for Win32 ?

Bob Paddock wrote:

>> I think everyone agrees that's the way to go.  I just didn't have much
>> luck with minipack last time I tried.
> Give it a try again, as I think Ceasar fixed several issues, that I
> reported to him when I had trouble getting it going.

Oh, finally I realize, that minipack is a crosscompile approach and I should 
be able to compile it on my Debian desktop. So, I am am giving minipack a try 
right now. Thankfully, the instructions Cesar gave in 2008 are still valid:

At the moment, the build script downloads cairo from cairographics.org at a 
screaming 20 kB/s  ;-)   Seems like the process will take some time. I'll
let it run over night. Will report my mileage.

Kai-Martin Knaak                                  tel: +49-511-762-2895
Universität Hannover, Inst. für Quantenoptik      fax: +49-511-762-2211	
Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover           http://www.iqo.uni-hannover.de
GPG key:    http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?search=Knaak+kmk&op=get

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