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New sch BOM application announcement, was Re: gEDA-user: Commentsafter successfully running gnetman . . . .

On Sun, 23 Nov 2003 08:34:54 -0500 (EST)
sdb@cloud9.net (Stuart Brorson) wrote:

> [ . . . . snip lots of good info . . . .]
> > Some of my wishlist:
> > 
> >   - Be able to watch/change attributes of more than one part. There are
> > times when I just want to check an attribute of a set of parts (and
> > change it if it's wrong). I can now change the attribute of a given set
> > of parts, but I can't check, watch or compare them in a single window.
> > I'm thinking in a matrix, when each row is a given part, and each column
> > an attribute. Be able to select some of them using Control and/or Shift
> > keys could be a good thing.
> > 
> >   - The above point can be extended to nets and other types of objects,
> > but I don't want to mix parts with nets, for example, so maybe Orcad
> > solution is good: they use a notebook where each tab is only for one
> > type of object (one for parts, another for nets,...). I wouldn't want to
> > attach a netname attribute to a part, so some sanity checking should be
> > done here.
> Some time ago we discussed a separate program called "gattrib" which
> would read in a set of .sch files, and build a spreadsheet with
> refdeses listed horizontally, and the associated attributes listed
> vertically:
> 	Device		Value		Footprint	etc.
> R1	RESISTOR	100K		0603
> R2	RESISTOR	200K		0805	
> U1	uA741				SO8
> etc
> I'm still looking at that . . . .

A friend of mine wrote such a GPL licensed  app about 2 months ago, it's been quite well tested between the two of us and she has fixed all bugs found so far. It uses Awk and can handle the latest .sch's and even very old ones.

She has asked me to announce it, as this topic has just been raised by Stewart:)

Gbom uses an excludes file either system wide or directory wide to ignore chosen items such as vcc etc.

Gbom also has two modes, one that lists each component seperately as above, or one that's grouped by value.

The app is only small at 22k, anybody want to try it out ?

The only system dependency is Awk and no compliation is required. 

Here is a sample:-
Bill Of Materials     Mon Nov 24 06:58:23 EST 2003
 Ref        Value            Type                File                Footprint
==========  ===============  ==================  ==================  ====================
C1          1uf              capacitor           riaa.sch            -
C2          100uf            capacitor           riaa.sch            -
C3          220pf            capacitor           riaa.sch            -
C4          0.01uf           capacitor           riaa.sch            -
C5          100uf            capacitor           riaa.sch            -
C6          100uf            capacitor           riaa.sch            -
C7          0.1uf            capacitor           riaa.sch            -
C8          100uf            capacitor           riaa.sch            -
C9          0.1uf            capacitor           riaa.sch            -
C10         100uf            capacitor           riaa.sch            -
C11         0.1uf            capacitor           riaa.sch            -
C12         0.1uf            capacitor           riaa.sch            -
C13         220pf            capacitor           riaa.sch            -
U2          79L05            lm7905              riaa.sch            -
Total parts on BOM is: 77

Note: this sch doesn't have any footprints and is a couple of years old. Its pcb layout screenshot is at http://milkstone.d2.net.au/electronics/riaa/riaa-pcb.png.

Here is a sample of the second type of output that vbom produces:-
BOM Combined Parts List     Mon Nov 24 07:03:33 EST 2003
Type                Value          Refdes
=================== ============== =====================================
lm7805              78L05          U1
npn-3               BD437          Q1
npn-3               BC549          Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5
pnp-3               BD438          Q6
pnp-3               BC559          Q7, Q8, Q9, Q10, Q11, Q12, Q13, Q14
resistor            100R           R1, R3
resistor            47K            R2
resistor            2K2            R4, R11, R12, R13, R16
resistor            3K9            R5, R6
jumper              jumper         J1, J2

Finally the app help message :-

tp@gronk:~/projects/riaa-audio-amp$ vbom  
useage: vbom { { notype=1 } { nofile=1 } { nofoot=1 } } { docomb=1 }
       { vprjnm="name of proj" } { exclloc=unambigiousfilename } 
       fn.sch { fn.sch } { ... }
Note: The default is to print all fields unless overridden as follows.
  docomb=1: Prints combined parts list (no other options accepted).
  notype=1: Prints BOM without type field.
  nofile=1: Prints BOM without file field.
  nofoot=1: Prints BOM without footprint field.
  vprjnm="Name of project": Puts "Name of project" on the report.
  exclloc="unambigious file name" chooses a specific exclude file.
          (Default can be changed at top of this executable)
  {fn.sch}: Any number of Gschem schematic files separated by a space.

  'vbom.excludes' file in current directory contains strings of elements you
  wish to exclude from report (gnd, 5V, title, etc.). # in col 1 is a comment.
  See the sample vbom.excludes file included with this distribution.
  Author: Victoria Welch (vykk3@comcast.net) [vbom version 1.12]

> [ . . . . ]

Kind Regards
* See my Gnu/Linux EDA webpage at : http://milkstone.d2.net.au/             
* Free Software provided by GNU; http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-software-for-freedom.html