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Re: gEDA-user: which linux?


>Dave McGuire said:

>    Personally, I have better things to do than deal with spyware &
> viruses every day, and "fdisk, format, reinstall, doo dah, doo dah!"
> every other week.  I'm too impatient for Windows.

I leave these tasks to my girlfriend :) (she is keen on tuning WinXP),
unfortunatlely she installs a lot of shit SW which are running
Reinstalling is needed about once during a half year. That machine is not
directly connected into the internet, but through a Debian machine with
network address translation. I think this is a bit safer than direct

At my workplace I haven't realize any annoyance on my WinXP workstation
(which is used for running office applications, ssh terminals and
X-Servers). Altough there are a quite serious IT group there whom only
task is to protect the Windows based workstations.

It's interesting that the relative cheap x86 based HWs with WinXP can run
monthes without interruption and noticable failures, while amoung the
relative expensive Sun Fire V440s there are at least one disk failure

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