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Re: gEDA-user: which linux?

Em Seg 07 Nov 2005 10:47, Kovács Levente escreveu:
> On Sat, 05 Nov 2005 11:20:05 -0500
> Hal2000 <carzrgr8@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I prefer Debian. Easy, logical, and ther's no parts hiden from the
> user. Package management is far more better than RH, SuSE, etc.... If
> you install RH or SuSE you'll experience the so called "RPM Dependency
> Hell". I've tested them... yakkk... it was realy hell...

Whats the dependency hell? If you use Yast on Suse to install a package (Yast 
have a very large repository, not so big than Debian, but is big enough) he 
calculates all the dependencys, download them and install them. Like Debian, 
but ina  graphical window that even my mother can operate. I use Mandriva, 
which have the same funcionalities, but the repository is bigger than Suse.
And I didnt understood what you said about "hidden parts", both distros are 
completely open source.

> Anyways.... Don't install KDE or GNOME. They are realy eating up all
> your resurces (like M$ windoze). I prefer XFCE, or even no environment
> at all, just a window managger.

Tha XFCE 4.2 is not a good example. XKCE 4.0 was really nice, but 4,2 is as 
heavy as KDE...

> Generaly it's a good idea to switch from M$ windoze to Linux. After,
> you can try BSD, Solaris, or other Unix.
> Hope it helped.
> Levente