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Re: gEDA-user: Autogeneration of schematic symbols

Hi Mark,

On Monday 07 November 2005 17:40, Mark Rages wrote:
> On 11/6/05, Werner Hoch <werner.ho@xxxxxx> wrote:
> > This would prevent your cgi from stopping with "more than 1
> > category". (controllers sometimes show up as part and as a
> > development kit)
> Just enter the exact DK part number.  I'm going to make a
> bookmarklet, so you can just browse DK and click a button to get the
> gschem part.

Yes that works fine.
> > > The generated component is a simple rectangle with pins numbered
> > > anticlockwise around the part.  So it's more of a starting point
> > > than a finished symbol.
> >
> > BTW: I haven't seen a link to the pin descriptions. Is there a
> > special login required to get them?
> It DOESN'T HAVE pin descriptions.  Only "pin1", "pin2", etc.  The
> user would have to type them in from the datasheet.  

Sorry, I have'nt looked closer to the symbols. So I was wondering, from 
where you got the pinlabels and the pintypes.

> I would love to 
> have pin descriptions, but the only place to get them that I know of
> is from the datasheet, and that would be an interesting AI problem.
> Although, I tried with limited success to use the 'pdftotext' filter.

I think its easier to wait till the vendors provide computer readable 
symbols (or at least pin description listings).
