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gEDA-user: gEDA Install Issues: No fonts found, fonts.conf

I am using OS X 10.4.3 and I'm just trying to get started with gEDA.

I first installed gEDA using fink, following the instructions provided at http://www.makezine.com/extras/13.html and using the fink info files provided there. Everything during the setup process seemed to run smoothly. When I attempted to run gschem from xterm in X11 I got the following error:
jaspb:~ jas$ /sw/bin/gschem &
[1] 19224
jaspb:~ jas$ gEDA/gschem version 20050820
gEDA/gschem comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more details.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
conditions; please see the COPYING file for more details.

No fonts found; this probably means that the fontconfig
library is not correctly configured. You may need to
edit the fonts.conf configuration file. More information
about fontconfig can be found in the fontconfig(3) manual
page and on http://fontconfig.org

[1]+  Exit 1                  /sw/bin/gschem
jaspb:~ jas$

I then found that there are fontconfig libraries available using fink and that they weren't already installed on my system, so I used fink to install them.

I still got the error.

Then I used fink to uninstall gEDA and then reinstalled it using the instructions at http://www.ghz.cc/charles/fink/, replacing the fink info files I had previously downloaded with the ones from the CVS repository. Again, everything seemed to run smoothly.

I still obtain the same error. I have found my fonts.conf file but don't know where to start in correcting whatever problem gEDA has with it. Looking at the fontconfig documentation at http:// fontconfig.org has not produced any obvious answers for me. I have provided the content of my fonts.conf file below for reference.

Any ideas where I might have gone wrong?

Thanks much,

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
<!-- /etc/fonts/fonts.conf file to configure system font access -->
	Find fonts in these directories

	Accept deprecated 'mono' alias, replacing it with 'monospace'
<match target="pattern">
	<test qual="any" name="family"><string>mono</string></test>
	<edit name="family" mode="assign"><string>monospace</string></edit>

	Names not including any well known alias are given 'sans'
<match target="pattern">
	<test qual="all" name="family" mode="not_eq">sans</test>
	<test qual="all" name="family" mode="not_eq">serif</test>
	<test qual="all" name="family" mode="not_eq">monospace</test>
	<edit name="family" mode="append_last"><string>sans</string></edit>

	Load per-user customization file, but don't complain
	if it doesn't exist
<include ignore_missing="yes">~/.fonts.conf</include>

	Load local customization files, but don't complain
	if there aren't any
<include ignore_missing="yes">conf.d</include>
<include ignore_missing="yes">local.conf</include>

	Alias well known font names to available TrueType fonts.
	These substitute TrueType faces for similar Type1
	faces to improve screen appearance.
	<prefer><family>Times New Roman</family></prefer>
	<prefer><family>Courier New</family></prefer>

	Provide required aliases for standard names
	Do these after the users configuration file so that
	any aliases there are used preferentially
	<prefer><family>Times New Roman</family></prefer>
	<prefer><family>Andale Mono</family></prefer>