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gEDA-user: gsch2pcb problem: caused by guile/Mandriva?


Since I installed Mandriva 2008 (which offers guile 1.8.1), gsch2pcb
doesn't seem to work any more. After drawing a schematic with gschem,
and checking for (and of course correcting) errors with gnetlist, this
is what happens when gsch2pcb is invoked (Filter.sch contains a few
dozen components):

$ gsch2pcb Filter.sch

gEDA/gnetlist pcbpins Backend
This backend is EXPERIMENTAL
Use at your own risk!

ERROR: Unbound variable: nil
Using the m4 processor for pcb footprints
/usr/bin/m4:stdin:37: bad expression in eval: / 2

After this, gsch2pcb seems to hang; the top command shows that m4
gobbles up all CPU, and the resulting Filter.pcb seems to keep growing
at a rate of 10MB/s.

Some digging suggested that the problem may be with Mandriva's version
of guile 1.8.1. (which was also the reason gwave couldn't install).
So I uninstalled guile 1.8.1, and compiled and installed version 1.6.8
from source. This gave even worse results:

$ gsch2pcb Filter.sch
gnetlist: error while loading shared libraries: libguile.so.17: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
gnetlist: error while loading shared libraries: libguile.so.17: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
gnetlist: error while loading shared libraries: libguile.so.17: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
gsch2pcb: gnetlist command (gnetlist -q -g gsch2pcb -o Storkfilter.pcb -m gnet-gsch2pcb-tmp.scm Storkfilter.sch) failed.
    At least gnetlist 20030901 is required for m4-xxx options.

So I installed guile 1.8.1 again. Now I can of course enter all the
components into PCB manually, but I prefer using gsch2pcb, of course.

Can anyone confirm my suspicions? Or might there be another problem? Any
suggestion is appreciated -- not to mention a solution :-)

Thanks in advance, regards,

Richard Rasker

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