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Re: gEDA-user: Is there a more detailed gEDA symbol edit turorial?

Mark Rages wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 3:43 PM, Joerg <joergsch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> John Luciani wrote:
>>> For simple modifications I would use EMACS.
>>> The file format is very simple. Should be quite
>>> easy to find the string 74141 ;-)
>> Ok, yes, with any kind of ASCII editor I could "wing it", I was just
>> hoping there was a more elegant way. But maybe not. Personally I don't
>> think it's good to hard-embed such text in part symbols but that's just
>> my two cents.
> I've done several medium-size boards with gschem and I've had to use a
> text editor for each one.   I suggest you open the file in the editor
> and look at the file format docs.  (It's a very simple format,
> actually).
> I just finished a pair of boards at 5:00 this morning (am I the only
> one who can only concentrate on layout work when I'm dead tired?) For
> the schematic capture part, I was bouncing between:
>  - gchem
>  - emacs
>  - gattrib (spreadsheet-like attribute editor)
>  - shell (eg: 'grep refdes= filename.sch | sort | uniq -d' for a list
> of duplicated reference designators)
> Once you learn how the parts fit together, the process works pretty
> well.  If it's any comfort, gschem is user-interface heaven compared
> to pcb, the layout tool.

Whew. That is actually comforting because I do not do layouts, they are 
contracted out. So I'll probably use PCB Designer only to help others, 
like if someone in a newsgroup such as this one wants a 2nd opinion on 
some unorthodox part in a layout.

Regards, Joerg


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