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Re: gEDA-user: Is there a more detailed gEDA symbol edit turorial?

> Trying to modify a symbol with gschem, no luck.

Are you sure you have correctly entered in the symbol you want to
edit? Select the symbol in the schematic then right click and select
"Down Symbol" or open it up directly with gschem. If you type "en" now
all the invisible properties will be shown (also available via the
menu Edit -> Show/Hide Inv Text).

Hidden power pins are created by the "net=GND:12" (GND on pin 12) and
"net=Vcc:5" (Vcc on pin 5) attributes. You should be able to just
double click on the "74141" to change it.

Double clicking on any attribute should bring up an edit window.
Alternatively select want you want to edit and type "ee" (menu Edit ->

I've attached a screenshot of the 74141 with all its attributes and
pin properties visible.

Attachment: 74141.png
Description: PNG image

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