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Re: gEDA-user: Slotting and visible power connections

Peter Clifton wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-11-05 at 16:44 -0800, Joerg wrote:
>> Peter Clifton wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2008-11-05 at 09:33 -0800, Joerg wrote:
>>>> Bernd Jendrissek wrote:
> [snip]
>> That is tough to understand for a non-programmer like me. If this means 
>> that you can add power symbols onto packages at the first slot, yes, 
>> that would work. Not sure about the database though. Heck, I don't even 
>> know what SW pros mean by "fork" :-)
> Sorry, its easy to get caught up in jargon.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fork_(software_development)

Aha, thanks.

> Where software development paths have diverged. This often happens in
> gEDA when people start working on new features. We start to call it a
> fork when the amount of changes becomes non-trivial, and when they
> aren't necessarily compatible with the main-line codebase. Sometimes
> they get merged back ;), but often that requires a large effort on the
> part of the developers involved.

That could quickly lead to an island solution where there is no way back 
to where everybody else is.

> [snip]
>> The individual slots also show up as U?A, U?B and so on, maybe it would 
>> be an idea to do that in gschem as well since it's industry practice.
> PCB supports similar naming in the netlist (it ignores lower-case letter
> suffixes), but some of the tools (gsch2pcb / gnetlist) would currently
> be confused by that.
> I did have a patch which made gnetlist ignore such suffixes, but it
> broke a few corner cases (hierarchical schematics use the refdes on IO
> pins as a key, and there was never any rules saying  lower-case suffixes
> would be ignored.) Mostly for that reason (IIRC), it was generally
> agreed that the patch should be reverted, and people using slots ought
> to use refdes=U? type naming.
> Nothing stops adding a "label=U?A" attribute, but perhaps something more
> automated could be thought up.

Ok, but renumbering will become bear. I thought about adding text labels 
A, B, ... by hand but that would look quite poor when refdeses goes 

> You're encountering some of the down sides to gEDA's great flexibility.
> Since there are so many possible conventions, ways this "could" work,
> work-flows (which all might have special rules for refdes), hard-coding
> automatic behaviours becomes a difficult decision to take.
> I did produce a scheme hook script (like a plugin) once which resets
> component names back to U? or whatever when you copy-paste blocks. It
> might be possible to produce a similar plugin for auto-numbering things.

Probably, but this sounds like a major project for a guy like me. Maybe 
as a user without much SW-knowledge I'd be better of with KiCad. I'll 
try that out some more. Some things in there are stunning, for example 
there is a way to import Eagle libraries so with some luck I would not 
need to re-generate all those custom parts. There is also a schematic 
converter but that blew up on me. So did the registration in their gmane 
group, Yahoo threw a wrench into that :-(

Regards, Joerg


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