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Re: gEDA-user: pcb, Remove Connected Question
Am Sonntag, den 09.11.2008, 13:50 -0800 schrieb Ben Jackson:
> On Sun, Nov 09, 2008 at 10:43:10PM +0100, Stefan Salewski wrote:
> > But this does not delete connected traces only, but
> > remove complete nets! I have deleted complete power nets with this
> > function, while I wanted to delete a trace only. So I stopped to use
> > this function.
> Why? The undo function of PCB works very well. You should never have to
> worry about trying an action and undoing it if you don't like the result.
> If you define your request more clearly, it might result in a new feature.
> Describe the rules you'd want to use to determine how much to remove and
> where to stop.
Why? OK, I used this function two weeks ago for the last time. I had
zoomed in into a large layout, and wanted to delete a trace consisting
of 5 line segments. So I moved the mouse over one of these segments and
pressed "SHIFT BACKSPACE". Fine. One hour later I discovered that this
action had deleted the complete 3.3V power net of my RAM module (about
25 line segments)-- I have not seen this at once because I was
connecting the FPGA at that time, RAM module was off screen because of
Hope the problem is clear now.
What I want: An action which deletes only all adjoining line segments of
a routed trace, but not the complete net (net defined by netlist)
I.e. Segments between to pins, but not all already routed Power Supply
nets of other devices (if there is no visible/routed trace from one of
these two pins to the other devices.)
Or in graphical terms: Mouse is over a red line segment: Remove
recursive all overlapping line segments of same color. Not line segments
which are separated by other colors in between.
I hope the problem is clear now.
Best regards
Stefan Salewski
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