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Re: gEDA-user: OT: Mailinglist, often I get same text twice
I have had this happen with interrupted IMAP transfers, when my
mailing application wants to delete the message off the server, and
that fails. so the mail client redownloads the message. thinking
that you never got it in the first place, so it might be that... .if
it is intermittent
as for displaying the email twice, it is probably multipart mime not
hiding the duplicate parts html and plain text ( showing only the
Look at the raw message headers
On Nov 12, 2008, at 11:33 AM, Stefan Salewski wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, den 12.11.2008, 13:51 -0500 schrieb Ethan Swint:
>> In Thunderbird, you can opt to send a message as HTML only, plain
>> text
>> only, or both. It could be that the sender's mail program sends
>> both a
>> text and an HTML version, and the mailing list program automagically
>> converts the HTML portion to plain text and sends both pieces.
>> -Ethan
> Yes, this is an explanation.
> I know that some strange people send their email as html, but I never
> heard that they send same text twice.
> Joerg wrote:
>> I didn't get any twice in this group but I did in a German NG
>> recently
>> (up to four times). AFAIK there ain't much you can do other than
>> install
>> some parser that catches this and deletes all local duplicates.
> Please note:
> I was not complaining about getting the same mail multiple times --
> that
> happen from time to time, and may be a problem of routing.
> What I see is the same text two times in one mail -- and that makes
> reading a bit confusing (and is some waste of bandwidth too).
> Best regards
> Stefan Salewski
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