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Re: gEDA-user: A component cannot contain another component?

On Sun, 01 Nov 2009 13:13:23 +0000, Peter Clifton wrote:

> Was there something specific you were trying to achieve by inserting
> components in a symbol file?

I do this all the time. It allows me to insert often used sub circuits 
from my local library. The components inside these blocks are 
automatically updated as I tweak my symbols in the lib. See the paragraph 
"block" in my section of gedasymbols for examples 
( http://www.gedasymbols.org/user/kai_martin_knaak/ ).

I use "Include-as-individual-objects" to import these blocks into the 
actual schematic. Thus, there is no recursive structure in the *.sch file 
and gnetlist has no reason to object. 

Bottom line: symbols inside symbols allows for a more powerful libbrary. 
Please don't remove this feature.

Kai-Martin Knaak
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